《Can you solve this riddle》是一部锻炼孩子逻辑思维力和判断思维的系列英语动画短片,这是TED-Ed出品的谜题系列,很多谜题都可以看到,比如著名的绿眼逻辑、神庙逃亡、飞行、渡河等等,通过生动有趣的动画展现出来,每个动画都是一个完整的谜题故事,视频的最后会给出答案,内容丰富多样,孩子既能学习英语又能够通过科学的方法,锻炼逻辑推理能力~~
《Can you solve this riddle》共58集,英语发音、英文字幕,1280×720(720P)高清画质,MP4视频格式,总体积约1.4G~~
=== 部分预览 ===
- Can you solve the airplane riddle_ – Judd A. Schorr.mp4
- Can you solve the Alice in Wonderland riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the alien probe riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the bridge riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the buried treasure riddle_ – Daniel Griller.mp4
- Can you solve the cheating royal riddle_ – Dan Katz.mp4
- Can you solve the control room riddle_ – Dennis Shasha.mp4
- Can you solve the counterfeit coin riddle_ – Jennifer Lu.mp4
- Can you solve the cuddly duddly fuddly wuddly riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the dark coin riddle_ – Lisa Winer.mp4
- Can you solve the dark matter fuel riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the death race riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the demon dance party riddle_ – Edwin Meyer.mp4
- Can you solve the dragon jousting riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the egg drop riddle_ – Yossi Elran.mp4
- Can you solve the false positive riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the fantasy election riddle_ – Dennis E. Shasha.mp4
- Can you solve the fish riddle_ – Steve Wyborney.mp4
- Can you solve the frog riddle_ – Derek Abbott.mp4
- Can you solve the giant cat army riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the giant iron riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the honeybee riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the jail break riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the killer robo-ants riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the Leonardo da Vinci riddle_ – Tanya Khovanova.mp4
- Can you solve the locker riddle_ – Lisa Winer.mp4
- Can you solve the monster duel riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the multiplying rabbits riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the multiverse rescue mission riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the passcode riddle_ – Ganesh Pai.mp4
- Can you solve the penniless pilgrim riddle_ – Daniel Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the pirate riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle_ – Yossi Elran.mp4
- Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the Ragnarok riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the rebel supplies riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the riddle and escape Hades_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the river crossing riddle_ – Lisa Winer.mp4
- Can you solve the rogue AI riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the sea monster riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the secret sauce riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the secret werewolf riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the seven planets riddle_ – Edwin F. Meyer.mp4
- Can you solve the sorting hat riddle_ – Dan Katz and Alex Rosenthal.mp4
- Can you solve the stolen rubies riddle_ – Dennis Shasha.mp4
- Can you solve the temple riddle_ – Dennis E. Shasha.mp4
- Can you solve the three gods riddle_ – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Can you solve the time travel riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the troll’s paradox riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the unstoppable blob riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the vampire hunter riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the virus riddle_ – Lisa Winer.mp4
- Can you solve the wizard standoff riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve the world’s most evil wizard riddle_ – Dan Finkel.mp4
- Can you solve _Einstein’s Riddle__ – Dan Van der Vieren.mp4
- Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen – Alex Gendler.mp4
- Game theory challenge_ Can you predict human behavior_ – Lucas Husted.mp4
《Can You Solve This Riddle?》是一部深受全球观众喜爱的58集TED-Ed系列趣味谜题推理英文动画短片。每一集都以独特的教育视角,巧妙地融合了科学、历史、数学等各种知识,以轻松幽默的方式呈现给观众。短片中的主角们,无论是富有智慧的教授还是机智的学生,通过解决一个个引人入胜的谜题,引导观众探索知识的边界。