简·尼尔森(Jane Nelsen)
玛丽·尼尔森(Mary Nelsen)
- 01a【教育误区】又把东西弄丢了,这个月都不许买了!.mp3
- 01b(英)I will not buy another one anymore.mp3
- 02a【教育误区】好了别哭了,我答应你还不行?.mp3
- 02b(英)Don’t cry, okay.mp3
- 03a【教育误区】不说了,你自己好好想想吧.mp3
- 03b(英)Cool yourself,think it over,OK.mp3
- 04a【教育误区】你再这样,以后别想我带你出去玩!.mp3
- 04b(英)I won’t take you out anymore.mp3
- 05a【提高成绩】孩子厌学,怎样让他爱上学习?.mp3
- 05b(英)What can I do if my child doesn’t have a love for learning .mp3
- 06a【提高成绩】 如何让孩子更有动力学习?.mp3
- 06b(英)How to foster a growing brain in your child.mp3
- 07a【提高成绩】:孩子多动,缺乏专注力该怎么办?.mp3
- 07b(英)What to do when your child lacks concentration or is hyperactive.mp3
- 08a【提高成绩】:孩子做作业拖拉怎么办?.mp3
- 08b(英)What to do when your child delays doing his or her homework.mp3
- 09a【提高成绩】:小动作太多,上课不认真听怎么办?.mp3
- 09b(英)What to do when child doesn’t listen carefully in class.mp3
- 10a 【提高成绩】孩子在考试中经常粗心犯错怎么办?.mp3
- 10b(英)What to do when your child makes careless mistakes on their tests.mp3
- 11a【提高成绩】报了兴趣班,学不下去怎么办.mp3
- 11b(英)What to do if your child does not continue an extra curricular activity.mp3
- 12a【提高成绩】孩子学什么都没自信该怎么办.mp3
- 12b(英)What to do if your child lacks confidence.mp3
- 13a【提高成绩】孩子天天抱着手机玩怎么办.mp3
- 13b(英)What to do when your child plays with his or her cell phone all day.mp3
- 14a14【情绪管理】生气:孩子盛怒时该怎么办?.mp3
- 14b14(英):What to do When Your Child is Angry .mp3
- 15a15【情绪管理】爱哭:孩子一说就哭怎么办.mp3
- 15b15(英):What to do if your child cries easily.mp3
- 16a16【情绪管理】胆小:如何帮助孩子面对恐惧.mp3
- 16b16(英)What to do when your child is timid.mp3
- 17a17【情绪管理】消沉:不管做什么总是和你对着干?.mp3
- 17b17(英)What to do when you feel like your child is always against you.mp3
- 18a18【情绪管理】焦虑:孩子粘人怎么办?.mp3
- 18b18(英)What to do when your child clings to you all the time.mp3
- 19a【情绪管理】嫉妒:不敢比、输不起,这样的孩子怎么办.mp3
- 19b英)What do you do if your child don’t accept his or her failure.mp3
- 20a【情绪管理】撒谎:孩子说谎背后的秘密是什么.mp3
- 20b(英)Lying and the root cause for a child to lie.mp3
- 21a【人际交往】交友:窝里横,不敢和别人交朋友怎么办.mp3
- 21b(英)What to do when your child has trouble interacting with people.mp3
- 22a【人际交往】自尊:孩子被人嘲笑了怎么办.mp3
- 22b(英)What to do when your child is laughed at.mp3
- 23a【人际交往】合作:怎样让孩子愿意分享.mp3
- 23b(英) How to encourage your child to enjoy sharing.mp3
- 24a【人际交往】矛盾:如何处理孩子间的争吵.mp3
- 24b(英)How to deal with quarrels and fights between your children.mp3
- 25a【人际交往】不听话:说一句顶十句,为什么孩子总不服从你的管教.mp3
- 25b(英)Why does my child argue with me.mp3
- 26a【家校合作】孩子在学校中被欺负了怎么办.mp3
- 26b(英)What you can do as a parent if your child is bullied at school.mp3
- 27a(英) What to do if your child makes trouble at school.mp3
- 27b(英) What to do if your child makes trouble at school.mp3
- 28a【家校合作】如何知道孩子在学校的情况9天前.mp3
- 28b(英) How to know more about your child’s performance at school.mp3
- 29a【家校合作】孩子被老师批评了该怎么办.mp3
- 29b(英)What to do if your child is criticized by his or her teacher.mp3
- 30a【家校合作】孩子对老师有意见,不肯听课怎么办.mp3
- 30b(英)What to do when your child is not satisfied with his or her teacher.mp3
- 31a【家校合作】家庭教育和学校理念矛盾怎么办.mp3
- 31b(英)What can you do if the ideas conflicts between home and school.mp3
- 32a【家庭氛围】怎样避免你的怀性格影响孩子.mp3
- 32b(英)How to keep your bad temper from affecting your child.mp3
- 33a【家庭氛围】二胎家庭,怎样避免偏心一方.mp3
- 33b(英)How to avoid loving one child more than another.mp3
- 34a【家庭氛围】怎样避免原生家庭的伤痛传给下一代.mp3
- 34b(英)How to avoid the scars of your childhood from passing on to child.mp3
- 35a【家庭氛围】孩子有必要知道大人的事情吗.mp3
- 35b(英)What children should or should not know about adult matters.mp3
- 36a【家庭氛围】男孩和女孩需要进行有差别的教育吗.mp3
- 36b(英)Should you parent boys and girls differently.mp3